MUBENDE: The RDC Mubende district Al- Haji Lule Umaru accompanied by the Member of Parliament for Kasambya County, Kabanda David, DRDC Mr. Birungi Abubaker, Secretary for Education and Sports, Hon Kayonde Isaac, Chief Administrative Officer Mr. Peter N Ruhweeza district and sub-county political and technical leaders on Friday commissioned structures under Education and Sports department worth 500 million Uganda shillings
The commissioned structures were contracted at Rwegula Primary School in Kasambya sub-county under the Education and Sports Department for FY 2023/2024.
The structures commissioned include a two-unit staff house, 04 unit classroom blocks(8 classrooms), and 5 stance pit latrines.
While handing over the structures to the beneficiaries the Resident District Commissioner AL- Haji Luke Umaru appreciated the contractors for the timely and quality of the structures at Rwegula Primary School but cautioned contractors that against shoddy work and that such contractors will no longer give contracts in the future.
He further requested the grievance redress committee to always address the issues that arise on sites.
He appealed to the teachers to perform their cardinal role of teaching learners since they have received new structures therefore there is no excuse for not performing well.
Hon Kabanda David Member of Parliament for Kasambya County thanked the NRM government for the funds used to construct the structures thus fulfilling his pledge of constructing and renovating the old dilapidated structures.

Kabanda appealed to the RDC and CAO to use the retention funds to rectify the snags on the project.
He noted that the Development of infrastructure like roads, and schools is for the common good but it’s everybody’s role to improve their livelihood. He also advised the residents to engage in activities that will help improve the home income i.e.; agriculture, animal husbandry, and Business.
CAO Peter N Ruhweeza congratulated the team for receiving the structures and appealed to the head teacher and stakeholders to maintain the structures so that they can stand the test of time.
Hon Kayonde Isaac, the Secretary for Education and Sports congratulated the Rwegula upon receiving the structures and noted that in addition to the new structure they received a two-classroom block, iron sheets, and 32 desks.
He requested the parents to take their children to school so that the new structures are put to the intended use and also provide the necessary scholastic materials.