Mubende District Council is slated to hold a council sitting to discuss the state of the district affairs for the financial year 2023/2024 at the district council chambers.
The sitting scheduled on Wednesday December 18, 2024, at exactly 9:00 am is expected to be hot like a heater as the order paper clearly states there will be submitting of reports from committees responsible for the various issues and the reaction on the state of the district affairs for the financial year 2023-2024.
In the last session were the same issue was to be discussed, the session were expected to be tense, and journalists were initially denied access to the venue but later learned that the district council speaker Habuzirweki Richard informed the district council that chairperson Michael had been absent due to a fever and had left a petition requesting that some items be postponed to the next meeting.
According to an order paper from the office of the district information officer Nabbale Josephine, Some of the issues that were to be discussed included the reactions to the state of the district affairs presented by the Chairman in the last meeting where he also directed the Councillors to follow up on various issues.
Bitter councillors said that the absence of the Chairman could not prevent other activities from going ahead because he appointed assistants for various activities. However, they were surprised that the secretaries appointed by the Chairman could not do anything without him.
On July 18, 2024, in the 57-page document, Mubende District Chairman, Michael Muhereza Ntambi addressed a meeting with district councillors, district experts, and the resident’s district commissioner to review the performance of the 2023/2024 financial year and urged councillors to review whether the items mentioned were put into action.
However, it was revealed that Uganda shillings 28,970,298 which meant for the renovation of buildings at Mawujjo Primary School in Kigando district, went through the hole.
The Education Monitoring Committee has been under scrutiny as recently, leaders at Mawujjo Primary School of Kigando sub-county Kasambya county Mubende district demanded accountability over a 28.9M rehabilitation fund.
The school was torn down by the torrential rains in 2021, and the district decided to take it over for help. It was included in the district budget but the leaders and locals were surprised after the state of the district affairs report saying it was done above expectation, yet it was last renovated in the financial year 2021/2022.
The district councilor Aisha Ayebale who doubles as the chairperson of the district education committee in the council looked confused about what to do after the district revealed that the money was used for the renovation of the building and they want something to be done.
Now what is awaited is the chairperson’s report on the issues of matter