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Disappointed Former Councilor For Kaweeri Ward in Mubende writes A Dissatisfaction letter To The Area Mps.

From L to R, Hon Mbabazi Pascal Mp Buwekula, Hon Lubega Bashir Ssempa Mp Mubende municipality, Hon Museveni Williams Ndoori Mp Buwekula South, Hon Nakazibwe Hope Grania District woman representative mubende district and Hon kabanda David Kasambya Constituency.

MUBENDE: The Former Councilor for kaweeri ward East Division mubende municipality, A one Ronald mugwaabya written a dissatisfaction letter to the area members of Parliament over Lack of Adequate Representation and Community Empowerment.

The councilor says as we are moving towards the elapse of five year term, there has been no proper accountability for the district members of Parliament.

The Area members of Parliament includes, Hope Grania Nakazibwe the District woman Representative mubende, Honarable Museveni Williams Ndoori Mp Buwekula South Hon David kabanda Mp kasambya constituency Honarable Bashir lubega ssempa Mp mubende municipality and Honarable Pascal Mbabazi for Buwekula.

According to the letter seen by Mubende post dated 8th November 2024 addressed to the members of Parliament especially for mubende district, Hon Mugwabya says people are illusioned and frustrated with political processes that seem distant and out of touch with the needs and desires that the mps sworn to represent.

Hon Lubega Bashir posing for a swearing ceremony

The letter;

Ronniey the Honourable
Mubende municipality

8th November, 2024

Subject: Disappointment Over Lack of Adequate Representation and Community Empowerment

Dear Honourable Members of Parliament, esp. Those of Mubende District;

We hope this message reaches you in good health.

First, let’s commend the effort you have made towards leading our distinguished constituencies and serving the public, a venture that requires dedication, strength, and courage.

That said, we, the undersigned members of your respective constituencies, find ourselves increasingly illusioned and frustrated with political processes that seem distant and out of touch with the needs and desires of the people you have sworn to represent.

We find it necessary, therefore, to communicate our concerns regarding recent developments and the state of representation in our democracy.

We speak out of grave concern for the lack of effective representation we have witnessed. It seems our interests and priorities do not reach the floor of the Parliament often, with personal views trumping the needs of the constituents. This, we believe, is a distortion of the democratic mandate you swore to execute.

We also observe a notable lack of initiatives that empower our communities. Despite the vast resources and potential the national NGO forum presents, we have seen scarce lobbying for substantive community empowerment and sustaining programmes. This absence, we feel, is a disservice to the robust and meaningful development synergy that can be harnessed between local communities and the Parliament.

Reiterating the core principle of democracy: MPs are delegated by their constituents to represent their interests, beliefs, and desires at Parliament, not to prioritize personal agendas or viewpoints. We urge each member to adopt a more open and welcoming approach towards their constituents’ voices. To be aware of their issues, fears, and hopes, and dutifully represent these in Parliament debates and decisions.

Moreover, we also wish that more efforts are put into beneficial community development programmes, in collaboration with local NGOs, to better the lives of the constituents you represent

For you can not be said a leader if your strategies don’t benefit those you lead. Leadership and representation requires you to be the mouthpiece of those that you lead. But of late, I haven’t seen or heard of any area member of Parliament attending district or municipality councils. If they don’t attend to get the constituents’ views, then whose interests do they serve??

That said, I pray that the needful is done so as to have meaningful representation always than increasing the vulnerability of the constituents that sought your representation

For God and my country.

Yours faithfully,
Hon. Ronald Mugwabya