The Nva Mubende Family has announced the upcoming Nva Mubende Charity Run, a charity event scheduled for Saturday, January 18, 2025.
The run will be held under the theme “Run for Pregnant Mothers” and the Chief runner will be Rt. Reverand Father Emmanuel Mwerikande From our lady of Fatima Mubende Catholic parish and Golola Moses of Uganda to raise awareness about maternal complications and support the health of pregnant women in Mubende.
The event, starting and finishing at 12km From Kasana, Through Kifufu, kisekende, kirungi, highway, shell kapipa, makenke, Regional referral hospital, katwe and back to kasaana. Selling points include winners at main street, Eriana hardware and Jedmart supermarket. The kit fee for participants is UGX 20,000.
All proceeds from the Nva Mubende Charity Run will be directed towards providing mama kits to over 300 expectant mothers in health centers across 3 constituencies including, Mubende municipality, Buwekula South and Buwekula Main.
In a press conference at Kaz lounge and kitchen Sureman Ssegawa the vision bearer of the Charity Run said the goal is to combat maternal deaths by scaling up awareness and mobilizing resources.
“This run will be the opener for Mubende fest and if you buy a 2,000 kit at the entrance you will not have to pay anymore, you will be allowed to enter for free of charge in kasaana playground”. Ssegawa said.

However, he denied that the allegations that this Run is politically motivated and said it only unites all people without discrimination in political views.
“Some people have started contacting us thinking that we have a political side or have motives but I want to inform you that we have no political motives in any of the Nva Mubende plans”. Ssegawa Added.
Catherine Nansamba From Nva Mubende Family said women who give birth, especially those living in rural areas, find it difficult to access the equipment due to various challenges including lack of funds and lack of awareness needed.
“As women giving birth we know how challenging it is so please support us sometimes you go to the hospital without requirements because it is not easy to access it, please support us” Cathy said.
Magembe Badru the president Greater Mubende musicians association says every singer that will perform on stage in Nva Mubende Festival will be first scrutinized because some of them may have poor music.
“We will first select the artists who will perform and I will have a list, if you do not appear on my list you will not perform except those on Nva Mubende official poster”
We have been having problems on the day of the show the artists come late and don’t sing and they blame us.
Dr Simon Babumba the CEO Deuces lounge also a healthy worker in Mubende talked to the Charity Run said this is a very good milestone because there are many people who go to hospitals without even a cotton needed.
“it’s great to add value to people’s lives using your position, and I play for people to love this Run because it’s going to be good to our community” Babumba said
He added that people should not look at this as a business perspective for the vision bearer but something geared towards helping the community.
Ssemango Steven Kasozi the Assistant RDC Mubende said security will be tight and anyone who expects to disturb the peace will be arrested.

According to Haruna Kabali the Chairperson of the event said they have a target of selling 700kits and seeking private funding from individuals, development partners, corporate organizations, and the private sector.
“Donations can be made through kit purchases, cash donations, in-kind contributions, and other means, I encouraging individuals and corporate people to participate in the Charity Run and contribute to the important cause of maternal health.” Haruna said
According to current statistics, 19 women in Uganda die every day due to pregnancy complications. The company aims to address this issue through the Corporate Run and other initiatives.